Senin, 07 November 2011

Months 'Sura'

What is it months 'Sura'? What's going on in the month of 'Sura'?. "Penanggalan Jawa" which is also called the Javanese calendar can not be separated with 'petungan Jawa'. Javanese calendar which has been altered from the solar circulation system (syamsyiah) into the circulatory system of the month (qomariah) by Sultan Agung at the time was intended to adjust to the Islamic calendar. Replacement of Javanese calendar begins in a Sura in the year 1555 is Alif at that time coincided with a Muharam 1042 or coincide with the Gregorian calendar date of July 8, 1633. In the Javanese calendar, do not know in January, February and so on, because the names of the month in Javanese calendar has also been changed. In the Javanese calendar month beginning the sequence name from the month of Sura, Sapar, Mulud, Bakda Mulud, Jumada, Jumadilakir, Rejeb, Ruwah, Pasa, Sawal, Dulkaidah and ends with the name of the month Besar. For the majority of Javanese society, the months are still used as a basis for deciding an action. Perform or not perform the act (or activity) is strongly influenced by the months of the calculation system of Java. Most of the Java community is still using that belief. He will do things and what will be done in the month, it still remains their beliefs. Sura 1 is the start date of commencement of Java that is often commemorated by the Java community as the new year. Of 12 months in the Javanese calendar, the month of Sura is considered sacred month. The Javanese have a strong conviction about the timing of this Sura month, because, the month of Sura is a dimension that is less time to do everything good about the job. Now, therefore considered sacred, then most of the Java community (who believe) will not dare to make a home in the month of Sura, also did not dare to marry his son in the month of Sura, or even just moving to occupy a new home in the month of Sura also not done. By the Java community, the month of Sura often used to 'conduct concerned' or some kind of ritual, ie doing more things that can enhance his personality, especially on the evening of 1 Sura. Rituals are done for example with a 'penance' such as not sleeping through the night, or there are those who perform penance to purify themselves with water Mendi given that water is drawn interest from seven springs or wells. There are still many who do penance by walking in the evening of 1 Sura. There also are doing 'tapa mbisu' is imprisoned on the condition does not say anything and with anyone. Then there is also a ritual with a soak in the water flow of the meeting of two rivers. In addition, by the Java community in Sura is considered the perfect time to cleanse or purify their own heritage. 1 Sura this tradition, until now still in progress. The Java community is still looking at a balance between nature microcosm with the macrocosm of nature. The values ​​of the turn of the new year as one of the Java reference in facing the challenges of life. Appreciation of the spiritual life can not be separated with the new year 1 Sura Java or night. In this Sura society to abstain from partying, but it is eager to ritual activities. That's the month of Sura for the Java community ... ..

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